viernes, 17 de abril de 2015


Once upon a time, there was a lonely seagull. Apparently, it was a normal seagull: it flew and dived to catch fish, it fought against the doves, looked for crabs in the sand, slept in the cliffs, sang with the flock, migrated when necessary and danced in the wind.

But one day, while flying nearby the shore in the Baltic sea, something happened that just burst its heart. Nothing unusual for a common seagull, but more than expected for our one: sun was setting in a dramatic outburst, horizon trembling in blood-like clouds; and the immense blue ocean, dotted with surprisingly small islets, glowed as bright that it nearly blinded the seagull's eyes. The golden sun was drawing a yellow floor tile road in the still waters, and then, the seagull realized that it has been following this path for a long time, avoiding darkness, getting far from the coast.

Days, maybe weeks -wondered the seagull- had passed since the bird's heart was caught by the glowing sun. It flew, and flew, and flew, just the necessary to keep contemplating absorbed how the sun painted the sky, while the night was hot on the seagull's heels, trying to catch it up and return it to the shore.

The seagull forgot to eat, to sleep, to look at the blue ocean below, denying other color than golden, pink and red. It even forgot the silver stars and it's marvelous shine. And it's eyes began to get blind, unable to see the rest of the world. But then, the seagull's heart reached the limit, it's eyes unable to see, it's wings unable to fly, and it's warmth extinguished.

When the seagull woke up, it was surrounded by darkness. It's back hurt against the harsh ground; luckily, it had fallen on solid ground. Little by little, it's damaged eyes got used to the darkness of the night and then, only then, the seagull was able to watch the wonder that was going on in the deep sky: thousands of little shinny stars were dancing in a formidable performance. And so, the seagull could remember that the sun was not the only glowing thing in sky.

“Horizon crying, the tears we left behind long ago” The islander, Nightwish

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